You can import documents, including images, in many formats into Andaman7: PDF, doc, CSV, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP,... There are three ways to proceed:
1. Importing a document from within the Andaman7 app
- In the records' list (first tab of the bottom menu), choose the record into which you want to import the document;
- Go to the "Documents" section and press the "+" at the bottom of the screen;
- For a regular document to import in your app, select "Local document";
- For a document that you will never want to share (even if you are sharing the documents' section to someone from your Circle of Trust), select "Confidential document"
- If your document is very large and stored in an external system (like this might be the case for medical imaging), and you don't want ou cannot import it in the app, you can select "Online document" in order to just store in Andaman7 the link pointing to the document stored elsewhere.
- Select the option you wish to use to get the document; browse documents from your phone/tablet, take directly a picture with the phone camera,...;
- The selected document is automatically inserted into the health record. Complete the additional fields (such as document type, date, subject matter,...) in order to be able to sort your documents based on criteria afterwards, and click the save/done button.
NB: you can also link relevant documents to other health fields, such as appointment/visit, immunizations, medications... From the given health field, click on the "+" to add a document. You can link a document already added in the app or add a new one.
2. Exporting your document from an external app to Andaman7
You can also export documents to Andaman7 from third party apps, such as your photo library app, a web browser, your email box, and so on.
- In the external app (on the same phone or tablet), open the document or image, find the "Share" button and select the Andaman7 app in the sharing menu that pops up. Depending on your device model, the name and icon for the sharing feature may vary;
Complete the fields describing your document, at least the mandatory ones;
- Tip: check the 1st import method of this article to know what "Confidentiality" to choose, or click on the "i" next to the field in the app to have more info
- Click on the button to save in the top right, and your document will be added to the selected health record.
3. Importing your document from your computer
If you often get documents to your computer that you want to insert in Andaman7, it is useful to install our Chrome extension, to quickly transfer documents from your computer to your Andaman7 app. Check the FAQ section dedicated to our Chrome extension to learn how to set it up and then how to upload files to your Andaman7 app with it.
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