So far, and despite our interest, software providers for doctors have been quite reluctant to integrate Andaman7 into their patient management tools. Therefore, unless your doctor is part of a healthcare facility compatible with Andaman7 (in which case you can retrieve your medical data by connecting your app directly to the healthcare facility), it is generally unlikely that they have a "direct and quick" way to send your data to Andaman7.
Of course, you can encourage your doctor to install Andaman7 to share your health record with you. If they agree to create an Andaman7 account, you can add them to your Circle of Trust and share your record with them. They can also do the same (i.e., share your record with you) to send you your health data—something you have a right to! However, they will have to enter the data into Andaman7 in addition to their primary software, which some doctors may be reluctant to do due to time constraints.
Note that if your doctor sends you data through another channel (such as a health network or email), you can manually integrate this information into your Andaman7 app to complete your record.
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