In order to help you better, our support team might ask you to send them your "debug info"*. Here is how to do it:
- In the records' list (first tab of the bottom menu), click on the health record you're having trouble with
- Press to option menu (3 dots) at the top-right corner of the screen
- Choose "send debug info email"
- Briefly explain your problem and press "Next" or "Confirm"
Our support team will be in touch.
* The "debug info" consists of additional information useful for the debugging, for example the type of device you are using Andaman7 on, the versions you use, if data is pending synchronization, etc - it does not disclose any medical data. For example, the debug info could inform us that you have 3 data items for the type "allergies and intolerances", but we don't know what they are.
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