The Andaman7 app is freely accessible, there is thus no paid subscription. However, if you still wish to delete your account, you can send an email to our support team at:
As this action cannot be undone, we will double check with you that deleting your account and all of its data is really your intention. So don't be surprised if we ask for a confirmation.
We don't need any justification for the account deletion, but we always appreciate to know the reason why the users don't want to use our app anymore, to help us improve. So if you have a minute, we would be grateful if you could tell us why you took this decision.
Be aware that to delete all the medical data from the app, you need to uninstall the application from your device. Your medical data being only stored on your phone, we have no access to it, including for deletion. The deletion we can do when you contact our support is only related to the few administrative/non-medical data we store that were needed for your account creation and for the synchronization or debugging processes (for example, your email address, your first and last names, the type of device on which your Andaman7 account is installed,...).
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