Yes, most of numerical data fields (body measurements, vital signs, lab test results,...) can be viewed in graphs. If you want to see your weight on a graph for example, all you need to do is to go the right section (here, "Body measurements and vitals" for weight), and click on the field. Of course, to build a graph, data needs to be entered first. Learn more in our blog article Navigate your health data in charts.
Articles in this section
- How can I backup the data stored in my Andaman7?
- User Guide
- What are the different ways to view a health record?
- How to add a section to a health record?
- How to manage my medical documents?
- How does Andaman7 handle large documents such as medical imaging (scanners, MRI, etc.)?
- How to sort my documents?
- Can I print my documents?
- How to enter my lab tests results in the app?
- Can I view my data in a graph?
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