You can see the data in a health record in different ways, by switching views with the buttons available under the record's picture:
- The "Sections" view shows sections of the health record, illustrated by icons. Data is organized based on its type (allergies, conditions, medications,...).
- You can add additional sections by clicking on the green "+"
- The "Overview" displays a summary of your health record, showing the most important and/or recent data.
- The "Timeline" view displays the data in a chronological order.
- You can use the sorting button in the top right to sort by medical date (for example, when the condition begun) or by registration date (when the condition was entered in the app), from most recent to oldest, or vice versa.
- You can also filter the data displayed based on its type, date, source,...
Lists of data that are sorted by date use by default the medical date of the data. If not present, the registration date is used instead for the data item.
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