Andaman7 does not store any of your medical data on any server or Cloud. This is an approach we chose to ensure maximum confidentiality for your data. This means that if you lose your data, whether because you re-installed the app, or because your device was broken/lost/stolen, we cannot recover it for you.
However, you may be able to recover your medical data if you are in one of the following situations:
If you had installed Andaman7 with the same account on another device, and have been syncing the two devices regularly, the data will still be present on the other device. To restore the data on the first device or on any other new device:
- Install Andaman7 on this new device;
- Log in with the same email address as the other device;
- Launch the synchronization on both devices until you don't see any more data exchange happening in the synchronization logs.
If you had shared your health records with a member of your Circle of Trust, you can ask that user to share you back the data:
- Make sure Andaman7 is installed on your device and you are logged in with the account you used to share records with the other Andaman7 user;
- Ask the other user to synchronize their Andaman7 app;
- Once done, launch the synchronization on your own device.
NB: If you had shared your record but the other user didn't share is back, they can still configure the sharing of the record from them to you.
If the data of your health records came from an external source (for example, from your hospital or lab via a patient portal) and the data is still stored on their system, you can re-do the connection process to the care facility or the third party app to trigger a new import of your data:
- Go to the "services" tab of your app (in the bottom menu);
- Click on the service in the "My active services" subsection;
- Click "Renew connection to service".
NB: If that option is not available, send us an email at mentioning the hospital, lab,... you were receiving data from and we will contact them on your behalf with your request.
- If you did a backup of your full device, including the content of the Andaman7 app, follow the restore process specific to the backup you did. We cannot provide more instructions as there is a great variety of backup processes (several possibilities on iOS and on Android) and we cannot list them all. Also, since those backups are out of our control, we cannot certify that they will work properly with Andaman7.
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