Andaman7 is a free mobile application that allows you to manage your health record. With Andaman7, you can collect all your health data in one place, on your mobile device (smartphone or tablet), in a secure way. Data can come from different sources: manual encoding and import, connected devices, compatible hospitals and laboratories, ...
Andaman7 is much more useful when your hospital or clinic sends you all your data directly into the application, in real time.
We have developed a number of free tools that allow your hospital to send you your information in your Andaman7. But we need your help to convince them.
For this, we have developed several free tools that allow your hospitals, clinics, laboratories, etc. to easily make themselves compatible with Andaman7 to send you your documents and information directly in your application. Remember, according to European laws, US HIPAA/Meaningful use and other regulations, you have the right to get your data.
We are ready and very demanding to collaborate with other hospitals to transmit you your medical data.
And you can help us!
We are gradually building a contact list of different hospitals to support patients who want to move the lines with us. In just a few clicks, you can give us a big boost:
- Go to,
- Click on the link "Click for email" to send an email to the hospital you want to become compatible with Andaman7,
- This will generate a pre-written email that you can edit if you wish. We strongly suggest that you slightly adapt this text for more impact (otherwise all the emails sent by patients will look the same). For example, you can mention the name of the doctor who is treating you. Changing the subject of email is also a good idea.
We need your help to convince hospitals to transmit their data to patients. It is thanks to the demand of patients like you that the hospitals will move gradually ... Your action is therefore decisive to motivate hospitals to become compatible.
If your hospital is not yet in this list, let us know and we'll add it. To do this, you can complete this short survey (less than 1 minute). We encourage you to add all the actors who hold medical data that belong to you (hospitals, labs, clinics, regional care networks, ...).
Do not hesitate to contact us at to let us know if you have received an answer from them.
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