Andaman7 is a free mobile app that allows you to manage and access all your health data on your mobile device (smartphone or tablet), in a secure way. You can collect data from various sources such as manual entry, connected devices, and compatible hospitals or laboratories, all in one place.
Andaman7 is much more useful when your hospital or clinic sends you all your data directly into the application, in real time. A number of care facilities is already compatible with Andaman7.
To help additional care facilities become compatible, we’ve developed a range of free tools that make it easy for hospitals, clinics, and laboratories to connect with Andaman7. However, we need your help to encourage them to use these tools.
Why should hospitals and clinics be compatible with Andaman7?
Under European laws, US HIPAA/Meaningful Use, and other regulations, you have the right to get your health data. Andaman7 helps hospitals and other healthcare facilities send this information securely to you through the app.
We are very motivated to collaborate with hospitals and healthcare providers to make your medical data easily accessible via Andaman7, and we need your support!
You can help us!
We’re building a list of contacts at hospitals and healthcare institutions to support patients who want to move the lines with us. By taking just a few simple steps, you can make a big difference:
- Go to
- Click the "Click for email" link next to the hospital you want to become compatible with Andaman7.
- A pre-written email will appear. We strongly suggest that you slightly adapt this text for more impact (otherwise all the emails sent by patients will look the same). You can make it more personal by mentioning your treating doctor or changing the subject line for example. The more patients ask for data integration, the more hospitals will respond. Your action is crucial in encouraging them to become compatible with Andaman7!
You can consult this user guide for more details on how to proceed:
What if your hospital is not on the list of
Let us know if your care facility is not in the list by completing this short survey (less than 1 minute), and we’ll add it. We encourage you to add all the actors who hold medical data belonging to you (hospitals, labs, clinics, regional care networks, ...).
Let us know if you receive a response
Once you've reached out to your hospital or clinic, please feel free to contact us at to let us know if you receive a response from them. Your feedback is valuable and helps us improve our efforts.
Thank you for helping us bring your medical data to Andaman7!
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