Your health data is sensitive data and belongs to you alone. To ensure maximum security and confidentiality, we do not store any of your health data on any server or in the Cloud. Your data is only stored on your mobile device(s), where you have full control.
Installing Andaman7 on a new mobile device will, therefore, return the app to its initial state* (i.e., your health record will be empty) because the only data stored on our server is your basic identification information.
What if I decide to change my smartphone or tablet?
If you want to use a new mobile device, be sure not to reset your old device until you have transferred your health data to your new one! Here are the steps to follow:
- Do not reset your old device or uninstall the Andaman7 app.
- Download the Andaman7 app on your new smartphone/tablet and log into your Andaman7 account (ensure you're using the same email address to retrieve your account and not create a new one).
- Ensure that both of your mobile devices are connected to the wifi to enable synchronization (Andaman7 can be used offline, but syncing requires an Internet connection).
- Launch a manual sync** on your old device and keep your app opened and to the foreground until the sync is complete.
- Then, launch the sync on your new device, keeping the app opened and to the foreground; once this sync is complete, you should have recovered all your data.
Check that all of your Andaman7 content has been transferred:
- If not, repeat the sync process (synchronise your old device first, then your new one). As a precaution, it's always safer to run the synchronization multiple times on each device. Everything should be synchronized when no data transfer cells are displayed between the "Start of synchronization" and the "End of synchronization" cells on the sync screen.
- If yes, you can now safely reset your old device or uninstall Andaman7 without the risk of losing your data. You can also keep Andaman7 on your old phone and use it as a backup solution.
* The same applies if (1) you reset your mobile device or (2) you uninstall and then reinstall the Andaman7 app on your device.
** You can start a sync manually by tapping the "More" tab (three dots in the bottom menu), then "Synchronization", and finally the double arrow at the top right of the screen.
Have a look at the tutorial video!
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