In the "Documents" section, you can sort your documents according to certain criteria (date, subject matter, care facility, healthcare provider, etc.) in order to organize them according to your choice.
To do this, press the sorting button (three horizontal lines) at the top right of the screen and select the sorting criterion.
This feature is helpful when focusing on a specific problem area, if your list is getting long, or when facilitating discussions with your specialist doctor.
When sorting by date, your data is sorted from the oldest to the most recent (i.e. in chronological order). You can reverse that order by clicking one more time on the sorting button then on "Date". The arrow displayed next to it will change direction. You can proceed the same way to reverse the sorting with other sorting criterions as well.
If you are looking for a specific document, you can also use the search feature. On iOS, pull the screen down to make the search bar appear at the top. On Android, press the magnifying glass icon at the top of the screen.
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